Air Visions
sat nam (True Identity)
Maybe I moved here just to be in a position to see this beauty,
take it in
and be reminded…
Ra -Sun Ma - Moon
what an incredible sight it is to see them changing shifts:
Sunset in the west
Full moon rise in the east
When Ra and Ma flow in good balance
when the Male and Female principles are both flowing well
a beautiful dance
in the right rhythm
between the right and left nostrils
Ida and Pingala,
between matter and spirit
between women and men.
Only when there is peace between the genders,
there will be peace on Earth.
Satya Bandh meditation
charge your hands with healing energy
AIR Visions
The tantric yantra of the AIR - Vayu element is a hexagon, which is made of two triangles - one pointing downwards and the other pointing upwards - symbolising matter and consciousness; the meeting of the male and the female.
Today I will meditate on this symbol, which holds the qualities of air, the pure love that is the balanced state of our existence.
Can you see the vision of healthy love, true love, ultimate love?
What are we called to change in our attitude so that a true healing can occur?
How much space, how much attention do we give to the female principle,
to the sub-conscious realm and its treasures?
It is not only the store house of misery, it has the potential to be the fertile ground of our creative mythologies.
Are we ready to reveal a new mythology?
What is the story, what are the symbols that release the remembrance of our Oneness? Are they truly alive within us?
RaMaDaSaSaSaySoHung - Sun Moon Earth Infinity, All that is Infinity - I am that
Dream with me…
You are invited to share your dreams and visions
A Long weekend retreat
For Israelis:
The opportunity for a small retreat here at Lev Hamidbar has come up.
You are invited for a long weekend on May 20-23 - Wednesday at 18:00 - Saturday at 16:00
Spaces are limited as we are still under the instructions regarding the corona, but please stay tuned as things are changing rapidly here…
Sending Love,
Simrit- Sarit Maor
Consciously Moving
Moving Consciousness
If you would like to support Simrit on her journey, while also contributing to the further development of the 40 days in the desert project, you can make a contribution through this PayPal link. Any contribution (although legally considered a purchase) will be accepted with appreciation and gratitude.
Tonight we will count the 28th day of Sfirat Haomer -Malchut in Netzach-מלכות שבנצח
- painting by MoreSun