I was born in Israel in 1971.
In my childhood and youth my greatest passions were music, nature, and radio.
Later I was drawn to study film and television.
The 4 years in film school ended with the creation of my graduation film that appeared to be a kind of a prophecy of a family tragedy, with the suicide of my father.
The intensity of the artistic creation process and the clash of dimensions: wake-dream-creative -film, brought me to a crisis and depression.
The most effective remedy was yoga.
It started with 7 years of practice of Iyengar yoga – that help me to align my body, and stay present despite the common tendency to disconnect from the body when feeling intense pain.
Then came Kundalini Yoga, that has allowed for a fast, deep, and effective healing, and a deeper understanding of our multi-dimensional experience.
It made me drop everything else and dedicate myself to sharing this spiritual technology.
I became a teacher, and a mentoring Lead-teacher-trainer with the ‘Aquarian Academy’ of KRI (Kundalini Research Institute), teaching the level 1 and level 2 teachers training, and the 21 stages of meditation course.
At some point there was a calling to share the healing mantra of kundalini yoga and to awaken my love for film in a project called RaMaDaSa ReMeDy, which is now a website that includes video, text, and music, for practicing healing meditations using this mantra.
2020 was supposed to be the year of the first group journey of 40 Days in the Deserts of the middle-east, but because of the pandemic it became a solo journey, in one desert.
When I came back from the journey it felt like I am not the same person, as much as the world as we knew it is not the same.
After 16 years of intense traveling, practicing and teaching in Europe, Israel, and Turkey, from big urban spaces to magic islands and vast open deserts,
The worldwide crisis of Covid-19 and the crisis in the Kundalini Yoga community, when shadows from the past of the founding father have come into the light, brings me to a time of transition, exploration, and research on many levels.
This exploration involves a range of methods and approaches, and a blend of yogic, artistic, philosophical and spiritual technologies and tools.
The fruits of this journey, and sometimes the journey itself, is what I share in the events, courses, and projects.
The first sharing of the experiments I do at these times is ‘ Sadhana in a Bardo ‘ - spiritual practice at times of transition.
This is how my Kundalini Pilgrim’s path has been revealing itself so far,
this is my manifestation of the spirit that moves me and moves through me, it is making me move consciously as I am evolving to the awareness that I am a moving consciousness.
If you are a Kundalini Pilgrim too, our roads might cross.
You are welcome to join and to be in touch.