Nectar & Poison
sat nam ( True Identity)
It is very special for me to be 40 days in one place.
Moving from place to place only by walking.
Meeting only very few people when I go out of my yogic “cave” ( which has changed actually, and I am now in a wonderful tent that was brought here from Rajasthan. So my cave is now a Palace)
It all amplifies the dream-like space, and the symbolic nature that each such meeting brings.
Telescopes for the people
The other night I’ve met a brilliant young guy, who loves the sky.
He has brought a few telescopes for sharing with people the beauty and vastness of the star-scapes.
He told many stories about astronomy, history, mythology, and more.
Then he shared a story that really touched me, about the amateur astronomer named John Dobson,
who was one of the first people to create home-made telescopes. He was a monk in the Vedanta Society monastery in San Francisco, and one of his jobs was to reconcile astronomy with the teachings of Vedanta. This is how he started making telescopes.
He has created telescopes from materials one can even find in the trash.
When he was expelled from the monastery, he co-founded an organisation called: Sidewalk Astronomers.
He passionately shared his telescopes with people on the streets, and even taught how to build them.
One of his great mottos was:
“The importance of a telescope is not how big it is, it's not how well made it is, it's how many people less fortunate than you got to look through it”
When I first saw the moon through a telescope I though: My god, everybody has got to see this
-John Dobson
In a way this is what the Yogis, Rishis, Saints, Seers from different tradition, Artists and Visionaries have done as well. They have seen wonderful things through their inner telescopes, and they wanted more people to see it. Although they might have not been sharing it openly, still they have made sure that these inner landscapes are accessible and left coded maps in symbols and poetry.
Nectar & Poision
Vissudha chakra, the purification centre is known to be the place where the nectar that drips from the BINDHU point at the SAHASRARA the seventh chakra, is split into the pure form and the poison. The poison is discarded and the pure nectar nourishes the body.
We will look into Bindhu later in our journey, yet it is closely connected to the essence of the purifying function of the 5th chakra.
According to tantric texts, there are smaller psychic centres that connect the Bindhu with Visshudha, through which this purification process is refined.
Crescent Moon
The Bindu point, at the top back of the head is symbolised as a crescent moon on a moonlit night.
This crescent moon holds the ambrosial nectar.
The crescent moon as seen through the lens of the camera of my phone, looking through the telescope in the desert.
Fire in the 5th chakra
The purifying effect of fire, similarly to the purifying effect of water, is a process which allows disintegration of a substance that is reduced to its refined, subtle essence.
The fire tattwa, which relates to Light and Form, is therefore closely connected to the ego.
The dragon of the Ether element, the dominant element of this chakra is: Pride.
The fire in the fifth chakra could be creating forms and relating them to an achievement of the ego, and not seeing these forms as the creation of a power greater than the ego.
Fire purification is not something that most substances could go through on a physical level, as most materials would burn and be consumed.
This is the element through which ceremonial sacrifices are done; the substance is put into the fire and transforms from matter to spirit.
When our words are placed into the fire, they can be transformed from the habitual patterning of the way we speak, to another level of communication that holds a more refined speech.
As well as in our listening capacity: we can hear beyond the form, beyond the story, and grasp the essence of the message.
fire, not wind, makes this flute play. If you don’t have fire don’t play
- Rumi
Sending Love,
Simrit- Sarit Maor
Consciously Moving
Moving Consciousness
If you would like to support Simrit on her journey, while also contributing to the further development of the 40 days in the desert project, you can make a contribution through this PayPal link. Any contribution (although legally considered a purchase) will be accepted with appreciation and gratitude.
Today is the 22nd day of Sfirat Haomer -Chesed in Netach- חסד שבנצח
- painting by MoreSun