sat nam (true identity)
We have reached the point.
The point within the circle.
The point in the Akasha of the 7th Chakra:
BINDU (drop)
It is like the light of Venus,
the point that announces the transition into the night
Bindu is the point within everything manifested,
it is the point from which consciousness begins its journey into
the denser realms.
Bindu Visagra - means " The falling of the drop"
Remember the nectar that was purified in the 5th chakra?
It comes from the Bindu Visagra.
To fully experience Sahasrara we have to return to this point,
return to the state prior to an individual identity.
In the human body the Bindu Visagra is located at the top back of the head.
It is the gateway to Shunya - the no-thing, zero state.
On the cosmic level, Bindu is the point from which the one unmanifested consciousness
started to split.
I am going to go deeper within myself in the next few days,
the last days of my retreat.
I might not write any posts
( in perfect synchronicity there are now too many technical problems
so I can't connect to the internet in any way...)
As we transition to the eight chakra tomorrow - The Aura,
the electromagnetic field,
this might become an experiment in communication through developing sensitivity
of these fields.
A Long weekend retreat
For Israelis:
The opportunity for a small retreat here at Lev Hamidbar has come up.
You are invited for a long weekend on May 20-23 - Wednesday at 18:00 - Saturday at 16:00
Spaces are limited as we are still under the instructions regarding the corona, but please stay tuned as things are changing rapidly here…
Sending Love,
Simrit- Sarit Maor
Consciously Moving
Moving Consciousness
If you would like to support Simrit on her journey, while also contributing to the further development of the 40 days in the desert project, you can make a contribution through this PayPal link. Any contribution (although legally considered a purchase) will be accepted with appreciation and gratitude.
today we count the 34th day - Yesod in Hod - הוד שבהוד
- painting by MoreSun