Water of Light

It is day 2 to our observation of the elements within the Chakras.
The fractal of the rainbow bridge.
It is Water in Muladhara.
Water in the first chakra.
Earth is the element of the root chakra, the root of our sense of Security & Survival.
Today we are zooming into the Water in Earth.
I feel that I strongly connect to the essence of it as I am on day 4 of my water fast.
As first chakra has to do with basic needs and nourishment, I am going deeper into
connecting to water as the nourisher.
The water that I drink are coming from a specific tap in the main kitchen here, as the water in my room are not drinking water.
Before starting the fast I have consulted with Shimon Lev-Tahor, who has much experience in all kinds of fasts.
He has recommended that I would keep the drinking water in a clay pot, which is the best filter for the conditions that I am in, and would also be great to keep it in my room to absorb the vibrations of my practice and chanting.
It is very special to be in a room made of clay, and to drink from a clay pot.
So here it is, Water in Earth, nourishing and healing me:

Water in Earth

Water in Earth

 Mother, Song & Water

Actually, our first 40 day initiation is considered to be the first 40 days of our life.
The balance of the first Chakra is greatly related to the first experiences of security, safety, nourishment, belonging, and home - as provided to us by our mother. Wether it was a good and balanced experience, or not, it would leave an imprint on the balance of our first chakra.

Here is a beautiful video from Rinat Goldman - an opera singer and a practitioner and teacher of Kundalini Yoga. Rinat was one of the practitioners on the RaMaDaSa ReMeDy project.
This is a video of her newly born daughter (back in July 2017), Lenny, bathed in water, with love and healing.

What a great way to relax!
as we have long ago past that stage, we need to have other ways to deeply relax…

 Yoga Nidra

The yogis have created a wonderful way of doing that. It is called Yoga Nidra - meaning: sleep with awareness.
It brings the practitioner to a deep state of relaxation which is between wakefulness and dream.

Yoga Nidra is practiced in Savasana (lying on the back, with the hands resting on the ground, by the sides of the body), while listening to the guidance which puts you into this almost hypnotic state.

An important part of the practice is choosing a resolution, an intention you wish to work with, which is called: Sankalpa:

“You must choose your own sankalpa very carefully. The wording should be very precise and clear, otherwise it will not penetrate the subconscious mind. The following are a few short, positive and clear statements which can be used:
•  I will awaken my spiritual potential.
•  I will be a positive force for the evolution of others.
•  I will be successful in all that I undertake.
•  I will be more aware and efficient.
•  I will achieve total health.
Choose only one sankalpa according to your needs and inclinations. Do not be in a hurry. Once you have chosen a sankalpa you must not change to another. Don’t expect results overnight. Time is required depending on the nature of the resolve and the degree to which it is planted in the mind. The result depends on your sincerity and deep felt need to attain the goal of your sankalpa.”

- from Yoga Nidra - by Swami Satyananda

I have been practicing Yoga Nidra in the last few days here.
It took a while to be clear about my Sankalpa.
The experience of the water fast made it clear eventually. Although the general feeling is really great, there was one thing that asked for my attention: my heart.
It felt very heavy, almost painful. Which has made me wonder: is there a physical problem with my heart? or is it on another level? is it emotional, or energetic?
It could probably be on all levels: Physical - due to ongoing stress with traveling and teaching intensely.
emotional: well, like all of us, my heart has received some blows…
energetic: I have been holding space, in my heart, for the pains and sorrows of many, and especially in these days, I can feel the pain of those who are suffering…

It made me find my Sankalpa: I AM HEALING MY HEART


Here is the track with the guidance that I have been using here. You are invited to take some time daily for this conscious relaxation. It is 25 minutes long.
( in my experience, when I do it at night it then takes me hours before I can actually sleep, as this is such a deep and satisfying relaxation… but I guess the effect could vary with individuals , so you are welcome to explore.)

Today is the second day of Sfirat Ha’Omer - Gvura in Chesed

Diving deeper into love - as Chesed is all about love. With Gvura we are looking into our ability to love according to the needs of he other, and not only our needs and wishes

אם אהבתך היא אהבה בונה, היא תמיד תכלול בקורתיות והבחנה, שמירת מרחק, כבוד לזולת, וכן הערכת מידת יכולתו של השני להכיל את אהבתך.

על האהבה להיות מכוונת, מבוקרת ומאוזנת. לעיתים מזומנות, מפנק הורה את ילדו, או בן זוג חונק באהבתו, ואינו מותיר לשני שטח מחיה משלו. עליך לכוון ולנתב את אהבתך. בכך תמנע נתינה לאלו שעלולים להשתמש בה כדי לפתח התנהגות שלילית.

שאלות לבחינה עצמית

האם אהבתי מבוקרת? האם אחרים מנצלים אותי כאדם נותן? האם אני פוגע באחרים בכך שאני משמש להם כמשענת? האם אני פוגע בילדי בכך שמתוך אהבתי אני כופה עליהם מערכת ערכים מסוימת? האם אני ער לרגשות השני ולהתנהגותו? האם אני מתייחס לאדם אהוב רק כאל חלק ממני ומהצרכים שלי?

האתגר היומי

עזור לאחרים לפי התנאים שלהם... ולא לפי שלך.

התייחס לצרכים האישיים שלהם גם אם הדבר כרוך במאמץ.

מתוך הספר "ספירת העומר - תיקון המידות"-


Water is the element of flow, change, movement, sexuality, sensuality, pleasure, sensation, desire.
Water in Muladhara - what does it mean for you? How does it manifest in your experience?

 Water of Stars

Here is a beautiful song of love for water. On this days of living of water and light ( breathing light on my Nadi Sodana practice) I deeply pray that we will acknowledge the importance of this element which sustains life. I pray that we will take good care of it, so that life on Earth could flourish.

Agua de Estrellas

En tus ojos de agua infinita
se bañan las estrellitas mamá

Agua de luz, agua de estrellas
Pachamama vienes del cielo

Limpia, limpia, limpia corazón, agua brillante
sana, sana , sana corazón, agua bendita
calma, calma, calma corazón, agua del cielo, mamá


In your infinite eyes of water
the stars are bathing, mother

water of light, water of stars
Pachamama you come from heaven

Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse the heart, brilliant water
Heal, heal, heal the heart, blessed water
Calm, calm, calm the heart, water from heaven, mother

- by the Peruvian artist Miguel Molina

water of light at sunset at Moa - desert oasis

water of light at sunset at Moa - desert oasis

Love and Light,


sarit maor5 Comments