Splitting The Water
sat nam
This morning begun with the most wonderful way to transition from First to Second Chakra:
SVADHISTHANA - The seat of Sweetness - Second Chakra
After the intense density of the first chakra, we are beginning to move and flow with the Apas - Water element, we move from 1 to 2, from red to orange, from Earth to Water, from Smell to taste.
Some of the key issues of the second chakra are:
Today we will explore Earth in the second Chakra. Probably looking into the roots of it all.
The movement is still not at its peak. Maybe it is still the sensuality we feel within ourself, before sharing it with another.
Each one of these issues could be a whole topic of exploration. You are invited to take the next five days
to feel, contemplate, meditate, read, and keep writing in your journal.
It is important to understand that when we explore the Tattvas here, we are not exploring the physical or chemical elements, ( the Earth that we walk on, the water that we drink etc.) as the Tattvas are actually light and sound vibrations that are created by different pranic vibrations: and as the Tattvas permeate the entire creations, including all levels of the human existence, what we intend to do here is to our individual universe.
On this journey through the Rainbow Bridge that we do here, we are exploring the chakras, as a system for a psychological self -study.
This is an essential process in clarifying, purifying, and locating ourselves in this process of SELF-INITIATION.
Even if it is not all clear yet, remember, we are still in the Thick Cloud ( see the post from April 8th).
Inner Movement of Healing
As part of the research I did in preparation for this journey, I’ve met an incredible woman:
Haviva Pdaya - an Israeli poet, author, cultural researcher, and professor of Jewish History at Ben-Gurion University.
Haviva has shared with me a bit of her knowledge about 40 days as the process of initiation in the Jewish tradition.
The following explanation relates what what happens at the Thick Cloud :
Let us go back to the thick of the cloud. The Mystical Mist on Mt. Sinai, where Moses has been alone for 40 days.
The Thick cloud עב הענן
In Hebrew the adjective "Thick" is also viewed through the aggregated adding up of the numerical value of the letters.
This word is made of 70 + 2. The Hebrew letters ע “Ayin” and ב “Beit”.
The word “Thick”- עב is both a name and a number of divine purifying sanctification.
יט וַיִּסַּע מַלְאַךְ הָאֱלֹהִים, הַהֹלֵךְ לִפְנֵי מַחֲנֵה יִשְׂרָאֵל, וַיֵּלֶךְ, מֵאַחֲרֵיהֶם; וַיִּסַּע עַמּוּד הֶעָנָן, מִפְּנֵיהֶם, וַיַּעֲמֹד, מֵאַחֲרֵיהֶם. כ וַיָּבֹא בֵּין מַחֲנֵה מִצְרַיִם, וּבֵין מַחֲנֵה יִשְׂרָאֵל, וַיְהִי הֶעָנָן וְהַחֹשֶׁךְ, וַיָּאֶר אֶת-הַלָּיְלָה; וְלֹא-קָרַב זֶה אֶל-זֶה, כָּל-הַלָּיְלָה. כא וַיֵּט מֹשֶׁה אֶת-יָדוֹ, עַל-הַיָּם, וַיּוֹלֶךְ יְהוָה אֶת-הַיָּם בְּרוּחַ קָדִים עַזָּה כָּל-הַלַּיְלָה, וַיָּשֶׂם
אֶת-הַיָּם לֶחָרָבָה; וַיִּבָּקְעוּ, הַמָּיִם
הדרך שבאמצעותה מוציאים את השם מהפסוקים היא; כתיבת אותיות הפסוק הראשון בלי רווחים בשורה אחת, כתיבת אותיות הפסוק השני בשורה שמתחתיו מהסוף להתחלה, ובשורה השלישית – כתיבת אותיות הפסוק השלישי כסדרו. צורת כתיבה זו נקראת בוסטרופידון, ובספרי הקבלה מכונה "יושר היפוך ויושר". התוצאה היא כעין נחש אותיות מתפתל של שלושת הפסוקים:
←ויטמשהאתידועלהיםויולךיהוהאתהיםברוחקדיםעזהכלהלילהוישםאתהיםלחרבהויבקעוהמיםכאשר קוראים מלמעלה ללמטה את האותיות מקבלים בכל טור צירוף של שלוש אותיות שמהווה יחידה אחת של שם ע"ב. הצירוף הראשון הוא והו השני ילי השלישי סיט, וכן הלאה. מלבד הדרך הרגילה של "יושר היפוך ויושר", מובאות בספרות הקבלה אפשרות נוספת להוצאת 72 השמות משלושת הפסוקים. אפשרות זו נקראת כולו יושר - לקיחת האותיות מכל הפסוקים לפי הסדר. השם המתקבל הוא: ווו, ייי, סבי, וכן הלאה. בספר "חיי העולם הבא" של אברהם אבולעפיה מובאות עשר דרכים להוצאת שם ע"ב מפסוקי "ויסע ויבא ויט"
- Wikipedia
The "72-fold name"
The Shem HaMephorash (Hebrew: שם המפורש, alternatively Shem ha-Mephorash or Schemhamphoras), meaning the explicit name, is a term describing a hidden name of God, in Kabala (including Chritian and Hermetic variants), and in some more mainstream Jewish discourses.
The "72-fold name" is derived from Exodus 14:19-21,read boustrophedonically to produce 72 names of three letters.
Kabbalist and occultist state that the 72-fold name was used by Moses to cross the Red Sea, and that it can grant the power to cast out demons, heal the sick, prevent natural disasters, and even kill enemies.
-edited from Wikipedia
שם בן ע״ב
The Three Movements in Reading the text
Boustrophedon /ˌbuːstrəˈfiːdən/ (Ancient Greek: βουστροφηδόν, boustrophēdón "ox-turning" from βοῦς, bous, "ox", στροφή, strophē, "turn" and the adverbial suffix -δόν, "like, in the manner of"; that is, turning like oxen in plowing. is a type of bi-directional text, mostly seen in ancient manuscripts and other inscriptions. Alternate lines of writing are flipped, or reversed, with reversed letters. Rather than going left-to-right as in modern European languages, or right-to-left as in Arabic and Hebrew, alternate lines in boustrophedon must be read in opposite directions. Also, the individual characters are reversed, or mirrored. It was a common way of writing in stone in Ancient Greek.
- Wikipedia
Exodus: chapter 14
19 Then the angel of God, who had been going in front of the Israelite camp, moved and went behind them, and the pillar of cloud moved away from in front of them and stood behind them.
20 And he came between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel, and there were the cloud and the darkness, and it illuminated the night, and one did not draw near the other all night long.
21 And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord led the sea with the strong east wind all night, and He made the sea into dry land and the waters split.
Three movements of healing and coming out of crisis
As mentioned above, the seventy two name essence as a term of consecration is added up from three sentences within holy Jewish scripture, in which three actions of becoming manifest as the core ability to get through divine metamorphosis - ויסע ויבוא ויט -
This movement of transformation integrates into one process :
Movement forth
Forward again
This movement describes the means of getting out of crisis, facing challenge or collapsing.
Splitting The Water
reading these three sentences from Exodus, I find it fascinating to understand them by apply the tantric science and read these sentences in the light of our journey:
Winds from the EAST drying the sea and splitting the water
East relates to the Earth element
the strong winds from the East helped Moses to dry the Water, bringing the Earth element into the water element and in this way split the water.
Forward - Backward - Forward
you are invited to explore how these three movements - forwards- backwards - and forwards again have manifested in your life, and which aspect of this movement do you mostly feel now.
If you feel that you are personally going through a crisis, please remember this movement, and work with it.
The work you did on the first chakra will be like a supporting in your journey of the second chakra.
Allow the Earth in the Second Chakra to clear the path and support you as you cross through the Waters
Sending Love,
Sarit Maor -Simrit
Kundalini Pilgrim
Consciously Moving
Moving Consciousness
If you would like to support Simrit on her journey, while also contributing to the further development of the 40 days in the desert project, you can make a contribution through this PayPal link. Any contribution (although legally considered a purchase) will be accepted with appreciation and gratitude.
Tonight we will start count the 6th day of Sfirat Haomer - Yesod in Chesed הערב נתחיל לספור יום 6 לספירת העומר - יסוד בחסד