Water and Eros
sat nam
“Eros is the binding element par excellence. It is the bridge between being and becoming, and it binds fact and value together.”
- Rollo May
About 10 years ago I was invited by dear friends of mine to come and visit a very special community in Portugal: Tamera- healing biotope.
It is a Peace Research & Education Center. Their motto is:
WE WORK FOR A GLOBAL SYSTEM CHANGE- from war to peace, from exploitation to cooperation, from fear to trust.
The key areas in their research of peace are on a few levels: environmental, political, and love.
I have visited them only a couple of times, but what I have learned has inspired me on many levels, and although I don’t apply it as they do, the vision of a community based on trust and truth is still guiding me, and I’m exploring its applications in different circumstances.
The connection between learning and understanding Water, and learning and understanding Eros - and the connection between the two, is a truly inspiring exploration.
Let’s first start with this short video about the amazing projects of the Water Retention Landscape.
I have seen it with my own eyes, and it is a living proof for a possible new way of co-creating with the natural world. (12 min)
“Water for me is the biggest love teacher.
We humans have done to Eros the same as we have done to the water, to the rivers.
We were violent to them - only allowing them to flow in one direction.
Eros wants to free flow, the water wants to free flow, and it wants a vessel, where it can sink deeply.”- Sabine Lichtenfels - co-founder of Tamera
Here is a talk by Sabina Lichtenfels & Benjamin von Mendelsom. It might sound radical for some of you. You are invited to be open and listen… ( 52 min)
(at 25:45- 27:50 min of the video there is a short part of the previous video, and then the talk continues)
I wish that the Kundalini Yoga community would apply some of the ways that are introduced here. Creating trust and truth. Not ignoring Eros, or being hypocritical about it.
Creating containers where “mirrors” can be placed in front of everybody, when appropriate, including senior teachers.
I myself am very willing to lovingly receive and give such feedback.
Let’s go and find a well
Yesterday, on the 8th day of my fast, I had a calling to read “The Little Prince”.
It was a nicely synced with the 8th day of living on water. I didn’t remember the 8 days in the story.
A wonderful read for these days …
“It was the eighth day after my plane came down in the desert, and as I listened to the little prince telling the story about the shopkeeper, I found I was drinking my very last drop of water. ‘Your memories are fascinating,’ I told the little prince, ‘but the trouble is that I still have not repaired my plane, and now I have nothing at all left to drink. I’m telling you, it would make me very happy indeed, if I could go off for a nice walk and find myself a spring of lovely fresh water, and have a good drink.’ ‘My friend the fox ….’ the little prince began. ‘My dear friend, please no more about the fox.’ ‘Why not?’ ‘Because I am about to die of thirst.’
‘Well,’ he said, clearly not understanding what I meant at all. ‘I think it’s a very good thing to have a friend, especially if you’re going to die. And as for me, I am very grateful to have had a fox for a friend.’ All I could think was this: ‘This fellow simply does not realise the danger I am in. He has never been this hungry or this thirsty. A little more of this sun and he will soon find out what it is like.’ He looked at me then, and must have known at once what I was thinking. ‘I’m also thirsty,’ he said. ‘Let’s go and find a well.’”- Antoine De Saint-Exupery
Translated by: Michael Morpurgo
I’ve been thinking a lot about the garden of my childhood home.
The rose is blooming there…
If you would like to support Simrit on her journey, while also contributing to the further development of the 40 days in the desert project, you can make a contribution through this PayPal link. Any contribution (although legally considered a purchase) will be accepted with appreciation and gratitude.
Tonight we will start count the 6th day of Sfirat Haomer - Malchut in Chesed הערב נתחיל לספור יום 7 לספירת העומר - מלכות בחסד