Walking; A mystic ritual
sat nam
Third Chakra - Fire - South - Yellow
Will Power
As we begin our journey through the third Chakra - Manipura (Sanskrit name) lustrous gem -
We start with Earth in the first chakra.
I think of it as Lava, that in its burning makes the strongest solids of the core move.
Still, close to the second chakra and its powers of sexuality and creativity, the orange that turns into yellow
makes us SEE - sight is the sense related to the third chakra, as with the fire element and its light-
There is awareness to FORM.
The inspiration for this journey comes from many sources; external and internal.
Two of these major inspirations that I could clearly define are:
A book by Haviva Pedaya , and a woman called Peace Pilgrim
Walking through Trauma: Rituals of movement in Jewish Myth, Mysticism, and History
one of the key ideas in this book is that walking as a ritual is a symbol for the exile of the the soul on earth.
As in many traditions and philosophies, the incarnated soul is in a state of exile from its original home; in merger with the divine, the one unmanifested consciousness.
״הגלות בהגדרתה הבסיסית, הראשונית והמידית , היא: לא להיות במקום (בה״א הידיעה) אלא להיות במקום שונה מן ה-מקום. מימוש אי-ההיות-במקום או שינוי המיקום בתוך המולדת נעשה ע״י הליכה, כלומר: המעבר ממצב מולדת למצב גלות התבצע בעולם העתיק על ידי הליכה. גלות כריטואל יזום היא למעשה חזרה אל והנכחה של הסיטואציה האקוטית של רגע הסילוק, של קטע המעבר או זמן המעבר ממצב סטטי, מצב הקיום במולדת, למצב גלות. המעבר בזמן העתיק – ועד היום, במצבי לחץ ההופכים אדם להיות פליט – מתבצע באמצעות הליכה. אנו מתמקדים אם כן בהליכה כתנועה הראשונה, העירומה, ה״יחפה״ תרתי משמע, של מעבר״
-עמוד 29
I did my best in translating it for you. I hope it is somehow understandable…
“Exile, in the most immediate definition is: not being in the place ( THE place), but being somewhere different than THE place.
This manifestation of “not-being” in the place, or changing location within the homeland, happens through walking, Meaning: in the ancient world, the transition between a state of homeland and a state of exile took place by walking.
Exile as an initiated ritual is actually a return into, and a manifestation of the acute situation of the moment of expelling. It is the manifestation of transition from the static state, the existence in homeland, to the exile.
In the ancient times, until today, the transition in times of crisis that turn one into a refugee – happens through walking.
Therefore, we look into walking as the first movement, the primal, naked, “bare” movement of transition.”
Exile by will
״גלות מבחירה יסודה ברצון של הסובייקט לפרוק מעליו מערכות הבנייה. גלות מרצון בזמן החדש נתפסת ככרוכה בבנייה חופשית של זהות. בהמשך לכך, השאלה שיש לבחון בכל פעם כדי להבחין בין שני טיפוסי הגלות היא האם הממסד ומנגנון הכוח מנסה לפרק את הסובייקט, או שמא הפוך הדבר – הסובייקט מנסה להתפרק מערכי הקולקטיב וממערכות הבניה פוליטית״
“The foundation of Exile by will, is the will of the subject to disintegrate the systems that it carries. The question that we need to examine every time as we discern between these two types of exile is:
Do the establishment and the power mechanisms try to disintegrate the subject, or is it the opposite – the subject is trying to break away from the values of the collective, and from the political structures”
Of course there is much more to that.
This is just to inspire a process.
Peace Pilgrim (July 18, 1908 – July 7, 1981), born Mildred Lisette Norman, was an American spiritual teacher, mystic, pacifist, vegetarian activist and peace activist.
“From 1953 until 1981, a silver haired woman calling herself only "Peace Pilgrim" walked more than 25,000 miles on a personal pilgrimage for peace. Wearing a blue tunic and carrying just a few worldly possessions in her pockets, she shared her simple but profound message in thousands of communities throughout the U.S.: “when enough of us find inner peace, our institutions will become peaceful and there will be no more occasion for war.” Today, her words – captured in books, videos and other media – continue to inspire people around the world.”
-from peacepilgrim.org
In the book, "Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work in Her Own Words," she related that her physical journey began after having experienced a "spiritual awakening," following a long period of meditation practice. She said that this awakening was a direct, mystical experience of the "creator's" love. She claimed that this spurred her to then start her decades-long walking journey for peace.
Expressing her ideas about peace, she referred to herself only as "Peace Pilgrim." Peace Pilgrim's only possessions were the clothes on her back and the few items she carried in the pockets of her blue tunic which read "Peace Pilgrim" on the front and "25,000 miles on foot for peace" on the back. She had no organizational backing, carried no money, and would not even ask for food or shelter. When she began her pilgrimage she had taken a vow to "remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until given shelter and fasting until given food."
“If you give your life as a prayer, you intensify the prayer beyond all measure.”
-Peace Pilgrim
I dedicate this walking for peace, for healing of our society and its relationship to the natural world, and
remembering refugees who are in exile - not by choice.
will of the spiritual warrior
The third chakra is the center of the “will of the spiritual warrior”
This fire can burn through all blocks and fears.
For me, the Earth in the fire, in preparation for my walking journey, confronts me with very basic fears.
As I wish to be spending not only the day time for walking in the wilderness, returning to the oasis at nights,
I would like to also spend the nights outdoors alone in the wilderness.
This is where I clearly see the fears coming up -
possibly not only my personal fears, but the fears of humans, fear of the power of the natural world.
Although my first impulse was to just go ahead and do it, I understand that it would be better for me to do it gradually.
This will be another part of this walking journey; my gradual facing of very primal fears.
I am called to use my inner fire.
Until I get to that part, I will be walking to process some questions I have regarding my path.
What fears are you willing to face? how do you apply your inner fire?
you are invited to go on a journey within a journey, exploring the third chakra and the issues related to it.
Sending Love,
Simrit- Sarit Maor
Consciously Moving
Moving Consciousness
If you would like to support Simrit on her journey, while also contributing to the further development of the 40 days in the desert project, you can make a contribution through this PayPal link. Any contribution (although legally considered a purchase) will be accepted with appreciation and gratitude.
Today is the 8th day of Sfirat Haomer - Tiferet in Gvura היום יום 10 לספירת העומר - תפארת בגבורה
- painting by MoreSun