Wrapped in Mercy
These are some of the words that flow out of the Hebrew root עבר/ AVR :
Fetus עובר Impregnationהתעברות, Transitionמעבר, Pastעבר Passing byעובר, Moving to the other sideעובר , and even the word Hebrew עברית itself.
Air In Water - Vayu(air element) in the Second Chakra
Babies Breathing in the womb
Babies don’t breathe in the womb as we understand “breathing.” Instead, babies rely on their mother’s breathing to receive oxygen to their developing organs.
The placenta and umbilical cord are organs that enable a developing baby to get everything it needs from its mother. This includes oxygen. Every breath that the mother takes brings oxygen into her bloodstream. The placenta carries oxygen to the placenta and then to the umbilical cord to the baby.- Healthline.Com
The Human Pregnancy Lasts 40 weeks
A 40 days initiation relates to this time frame as that which holds the essence of becoming.
Metaphoric Pregnancy
The metaphoric state of pregnancy, of being in the womb, symbolises the core of transition between states. This transition is possible when we enter the under-waters of the sub- conscious.
ארבעים יום קודם יצירת הולד, בת קול יוצאת ואומרת: בת פלוני לפלוני בית פלוני לפלוני שדה פלוני״ ״לפלוני!
- מסכת סוטה דף ב עמוד א
It is said in the *Talmud:
Forty Days before the fetus is created, a voice comes out and announces who will be the future partner of this person.
*The Talmud (/ˈtɑːlmʊd, -məd, ˈtæl-/; Hebrew: תַּלְמוּד) is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law (halakha) and Jewish theology.
ATUF BE-RACHAMIM / Wrapped In Mercy / עטוף ברחמים
Lyrics by: Ehud Banai
Music By: Rami Kleinstien
Performed by: RITA
Blue glass window in my room, washing the room in blue light in the mornings.
Dark Blue Light אור כחול כהה
Wraps you in mercyזה עוטף אותך ברחמים
Floating you are hallucinating צף אתה הוזה
Hovering in higher realms מרחף בעולמות גבוהים
You maybe know everything אתה אולי יודע הכל
And seeing secrets revealed ורואה את הסודות גלויים
You are probably very calmאתה ודאי רגוע מאוד
It wraps you in mercy זה עוטף אותך ברחמים
Resting inside your mother נח בתוך אימך
She will always give you everything היא תתן לך תמיד הכל
When your day comes כשיבוא יומך
You have always a place to fall יש לך תמיד לאן ליפול
Eventually you will come out to the world בסוף אתה תצא לעולם
And right away you will feel pain ומיד אתה תרגיש כאב
Strong light strikes the face אור חזק מכה בפנים
And you start being hungry ואתה מתחיל להיות רעב
Don’t rushאל תמהר
Don’t Rush to come out אל תמהר לצאת
To the moment of truthאל רגע האמת
Don’t give upאל תישבר
Eventually you will come out to me בסוף תצא אלי
As I take you in my arms כשאקח אותך בזרועותי
I will always love אני תמיד אוהב
It will probably hurt זה ודאי יכאב
Even though god protects כי אפילו אם האל שומר
Outside it burn sometimes בחוץ זה לפעמים בוער
You are kicking againשוב אתה בועט
You have lost your patience כבר אבדה לך הסבלנות
Within me sprouting בתוכי נובט
And forming your identity ורוקם לעצמך זהות
Eventually you will come out to the world בסוף אתה תצא לעולם
And right away you will feel pain ומיד אתה תרגיש כאב
Strong light strikes the faceאור חזק יכה בפנים
I will warp you in mercy אעטוף אותך ברחמים
Don’t Rush אל תמהר...
-מילים: אהוד בנאי
Back to the original Blue print
The more we can relax and allow ourselves to be in a state of non-resistance, the greater inner peace we can find within. From this state of inner peace, we can project outward peace, happiness, and good fortune.To chant this mantra for inner peace, you can sit in easy pose with your hands in gyan mudra (thumbs and forefingers touching). Chant for 11 minutes, or for any length of time that brings you peace. Chant while you cook, while you drive, while you walk. Just chant!
Allow this mantra to fit into the flow of your life and bring you peace.
Full mantra:
True Sustainer, Indescribable Wisdom, Creative Source, This is my True Identity.
- from Spirit Voyage.com
Vishnu - the sustainer / Water Element - sustaining life
Nara-Narayana (Sanskrit: नर-नारायण; nara-nārāyaṇa) is a Hindu deity pair. Nara-Narayana is the twin-brother avatar of the God Vishnu on earth, working for the preservation of dharma or righteousness. In the concept of Nara-Narayana, the human soul Nara is the eternal companion of the Divine Narayana.
Nara-Narayana from the epic MAHABARATA
We are initiating ourselves back into the original essence, back to Nara- the blueprint of the human.
These are times when we are givven the opportunity to return again, as individuals and as a collective, Return to our original potential as sustainers of life.
You are invited to either meditate as mentioned above, or do this beautiful celestial communication, with this mantra choreography:
Sending Love,
Simrit - Sarit Maor
If you would like to support Simrit on her journey, while also contributing to the further development of the 40 days in the desert project, you can make a contribution through this PayPal link. Any contribution (although legally considered a purchase) will be accepted with appreciation and gratitude.
Today is the 8th day of Sfirat Haomer - Chesed in Gvura היום יום 8 לספירת העומר - חסד בגבורה
- painting by MoreSun