The Perfume Road
sat nam ( True Identity)
This desert oasis- Moa, is named after the ancient Moa - A Nabatean ‘Khan’ ( Arabic for a wayside inn) , which is located right next to it.
Mo’a was a Nabatean station along the Incense and Spice route. It is the biggest, most impressive and best preserved Nabatean archaeological site in the Arava desert. First built in the 3rd century BC as a Nabatean fortress, a Khan (Caravanserai) was constructed in the 1st century AD, with another phase of construction after the Roman annexation in the beginning of the 2nd century.
The route connected the east (Yemen and Oman), through Arabia, via the Nabatean capital city Petra, to the port cities on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea – Gaza, Raphia, Rhinocorura (al Arish). The road was used by the Nabateans to export the incense and spices from southern Arabia and the Far east to the Classic world of Greece and Rome.
In order to support & protect the Incense route, the Nabateans established stations and fortresses along the road. They were spaced at 35km apart – a length of one day camel travel, and offered the convoys food water and a place to stay overnight. A garrison was stationed in each station, with additional fortresses constructed along the route, providing protection against robbers and protecting the precious merchandise.
The fortress of the heart
The heart center could be sealed as a fortress, protecting its inner fire,
treating any “other” as a danger to the stability of one’s believes and identity.
The concept of a Khan is a beautiful metaphor for what this fortress could be:
a place where tiered travellers are welcome to rest.
Even our own wondering thoughts, could become peaceful there.
Moa - AerialView
The perfume road
These travellers might be carrying some new scents, like Moore and Frankincense from exotic places,
airing the old structures, feeding the fire,
as it keeps moving in its creative dance.
As in these old travelling routs, where it wasn’t only physical goods that the convoys were carrying,
these travellers bring with them new songs and stories, ideas, symbols, and knowledge.
Meeting them might even allow for a new, authentic, creative mythology to be born.
Perfume Road by Yair Dalal:
Prayer from the heart
Is a kundalini yoga meditation which I love very much.
It always brings me to a very deep state, resting in the Khan of my heart.
There is something very special about this posture, which is used in Kundalini Yoga in different contexts,
but I find that in this meditation, I’m learning the essence of it.
Hands crossed, holding the opposite arm, just above the elbow, resting the arms on the area of the diaphragm.
Seems like this particular posture, which is not a classical yogis asana, has travelled on some road, and its perfume has stimulated a new song and a new prayer. Maybe it was a Sufi convoy…?
One of the new musical versions that we did for the Siri Gayatri mantra on the RaMaDaSa ReMeDy project is done in a Sufi style. It is called: Desert Remedy
Do you allow the perfumes from different cultures to air your heart?
Do you let the Desert Caravans rest in your Heart’s Khan?
At this stage of the original journey, we were supposed to be in Wadi Rum, Jordan, not far from Petra: the big Nabatean city.
Sending Love,
Simrit- Sarit Maor
Consciously Moving
Moving Consciousness
If you would like to support Simrit on her journey, while also contributing to the further development of the 40 days in the desert project, you can make a contribution through this PayPal link. Any contribution (although legally considered a purchase) will be accepted with appreciation and gratitude.
Today is the 18th day of Sfirat Haomer -Netzhach in Tiferet- נצח שבתפארת
- painting by MoreSun